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Despicable Tale Of Corruption Perpetrated By the UK And Western Democracies

“The harsh punishment of Ales Bialiatski and three of his colleagues was delivered in response to massive protests over a 2020 election that gave authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko a new term in office.” — BBC International. Link included at the end of the post.

The Righteous Western World and their foremost mouthpiece BBC World Service once again regurgitating the sensationalist gibberish that becomes phenomenally untenable considering their own track record of human rights abuses in countries like Pakistan and India. Although I have been living with a raging desire to expose the corruption taking place in Pakistan for over 13 years now, however, the sheer impetus for this post was provided by the use of the word “Authoritarian” President.

The mighty and righteous Britain, some major European countries, and America keep calling themselves the champions of human rights and free speech, and they incessantly keep excoriating the regimes in countries like China, Pakistan, India, and the Arabian peninsula for spectacularly abusing the rights of their citizens and not letting them express themselves freely. As they have been spectacularly vociferous about oppression and human rights abuses in the aforementioned countries that they so very like to talk about, therefore, let me disclose some deep, dark secrets that directly implicate these extremely corrupt so-called rich Western and American regimes in human rights abuses in countries like Pakistan and India. Let me disclose a tale that will show how corruption is perpetrated in countries like Pakistan and India under the complete auspices of the British and other European countries.

When it comes to abusing the rights of people, especially men, and running spectacularly corrupt regimes, Britain deserves a crown as the leader in corrupting third-world countries. Now let me corroborate all of the aforementioned statements by narrating all of the brutal abuses of human rights and a long, almost never-ending trail of corruption that I have witnessed firsthand as a former school topper who was excellent at mathematics, physics, biology, and English, and almost good at chemistry, and who despite possessing a hardly average knowledge of Urdu and compulsory Islamiat still managed to deliver a school topping performance.

The British embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, has been busy declining student visas to competent to extremely competent people because they decide to fill out their own forms without paying the corrupt form-filling mafias in countries like Pakistan and India. The people running these offices who offer their services as student advisers and representatives of universities in the mighty, righteous UK boast phenomenal visa approval rates of approximately 99%, yet most of the time, they are busy representing extremely incompetent people. People with 50–60% grades, occasionally even lower than 50%, considered an extremely third-class acquisition in Pakistan, are able to get visas through these people. However, if you decline to pay these touts, or form-filling mafiosos, in Pakistan, the British embassy concocts one phony reason or another to reject the visas of even some of the most competent people in Pakistan.

I personally know a resoundingly competent individual from Jhelum city, where I spent almost all of my teen years, named Syed Gibran Khurshid who managed to get 753 marks out of 850 in 10th grade, and in doing so, he succeeded in securing third position in the Rawalpindi or F.G board. This performance where he managed to score 753 is so exceedingly rare in small cities and so spectacular considering how badly our population struggles to score even average grades in Pakistan that no other person in the city of Jhelum was able to replicate that performance for at least the next 10 years. As a person who spent almost all of his teen years in the city of Jhelum, as far as I know, his record for the highest marks in the city of Jhelum stood for at least a decade, yet even that person with such stellar grades given the context was declined visa by the esteemed British high commission in Islamabad citing that he did not have the correct intentions. According to the righteous Britain’s high commission in Islamabad, a person with third position in the board who had finished his MBBS degree from THE MOST prestigious medical institution in the whole of Pakistan, namely King Edward Medical College, did not have the intent to follow through on his stated claim of pursuing higher education in the UK. According to them, the mighty British embassy, instead, he was merely trying to get out of Pakistan on fraudulent grounds.

Considering the manner in which the British embassy is conducting its affairs in Pakistan, the aforementioned extremely competent person’s only fault was that he declined to acquiesce to their demands that a person should first pay the form-filling mafia and apply only through them. On the contrary, he had the temerity, despite his aforementioned “diabolical academic record” which nobody in the whole city of Jhelum was able to replicate for another 10 years, to fill out his own visa forms and represent himself. That spectacular person named Syed Gibran Khurshid now works as a professor of Vitreoretinal Services in the Department of Ophthalmology in the University of Florida. According to his professional record available online, he apparently is keeping his tradition of delivering spectacular performances alive, as his published record states that he has now managed to win the coveted Exemplary Teacher of the Year award in the year 2020 at the University of Florida. You can access all of his published details at the following URLs:

If you want more details on his professional record so far, search for Dr. Syed Gibran Khurshid using Google, and you will be able to find some information. As a young teenager in 9th and 10th grades who was at least a few years his junior, I have had the personal pleasure of sharing a room with this person on at least three different occasions. It was always an absolute pleasure talking to this person, a stellar student who was an extremely humble person based on my three personal interactions with this individual.

When it comes to the diabolical corruption taking place at the British embassy in Islamabad, I have another extremely competent person’s story to corroborate this claim that they are running a spectacularly corrupt visa section in the British embassy in Islamabad. I am a former school topper who managed to deliver a school-topping performance despite being a spectacularly good fast bowler who represented his school twice at the regional level, once in 9th grade and then in 10th grade. When it comes to my extracurricular activities, the list continues beyond this daily participation in cricket. I was an ardent hobbyist in my teen years and had a collection of approximately 50 plants that required my daily attention. I was a regular participant in an activity called shooting — yes, gun shooting; I used to have an airgun as a young teenager. I was so good at it that when I eventually participated in a mandatory short military training program designed for the intermediate, or FA/FSc, students, I was selected as one of the best shooters from a group of 200+ boys. Only six boys from that group of approximately 200 boys from different cities managed to get the commendation, a cup, and a 50 Pakistani rupees award from the regiment of the armed forces of Pakistan that was tasked to train the boys. When I was not involved in my daily cricketing sessions, tending to my plants, or busy shooting down match sticks, I was usually busy in another extracurricular activity called calligraphy.

Despite being a cricketer, ardent gardener, excellent shooter, and avid calligrapher, I still managed to deliver a school-topping performance. I was so extremely good at calligraphy using the Gothic Black letter set that three different teachers at my school in Jhelum Cantt, where my name should still be written on one academic board or another, assigned me the task of making instructional charts for the school using my calligraphy skills. These four extracurricular activities aside, I was an avid televiewer as well. Despite participation in all of these extracurricular activities, I was still able to deliver a school-topping performance. When I applied for a visa to the UK to complete a short course in accent improvement in June 2005 — as at the time, call center jobs were all the rage in Pakistan and software engineering jobs were paying peanuts in comparison — the mighty British embassy declined my visa, as well, citing that despite my very good academic record before the start of the undergraduate course, I had no intention of pursuing the stated course. Once again, my crime, just like the person that I have mentioned in the previous paragraphs, was that I did not pay the form-filling mafia in Pakistan, and owing to a well-founded belief in my abilities, I decided to fill out my form.

The visa section of the British embassy in Pakistan is busy declining the visa applications of even SCHOOL TOPPERS if they decide to fill out their forms yet they keep approving “STUDENT” visas of individuals with a meager 50% grades when these individuals with diabolical grades apply through the form-filling touts, the mafiosos running the vias game in Pakistan under the complete auspices of the British embassy in Pakistan. That is the level of corruption taking place at the British embassy in Islamabad, and all of the British embassies in third-world countries. I wrote a long letter detailing all of this corruption taking place in the British embassy in Islamabad and elsewhere to the editor of probably the Telegraph, UK, or Independent, UK — I wrote the letter in 2005, so I have forgotten the precise name of the publication, but it was addressed to someone named Paul somebody — but that person never, ever responded to my letter or took up the matter for further investigation. I have forwarded some of this information to another person working for the mighty CNN, however, even she has not taken a single step to bring to light the abuses of human rights taking place in Pakistan and the corruption taking place at organizations funded directly or indirectly by the mighty British government and some other European and American governments. According to the mighty British embassies in Pakistan, even competent students do not have the right to fill out their forms and present themselves.

The corruption taking place at various British embassies aside, I have had the nerve-rattling displeasure of personally meeting Caucasian representatives of British universities who were visiting Pakistan to promote their universities and recruit interested students. After resigning from my job as a software engineer, a title which I did not deserve owing to certain gaps in my knowledge, in 2004, I developed an interest in pursuing a master's degree in the UK in the field of development of Business Information systems. However, as I did not have the requisite funds and owing to an initial utter lack of interest in computer science in 1997, when I was forced to enroll in the degree program, I had failed to get acceptable grades in my undergraduate degree at NUCES, Lahore, therefore, I did not qualify for a scholarship. Consequently, I wanted to know if there existed some other legitimate way to fund my studies. The mighty UK places a blanket ban on students from outside of the EU and America to pursue studies as part-time students. As I was already aware of this restriction on students from Asia and Africa, therefore, I was interested in finding a legitimate way to fund my studies, some obscure or arcane but legitimate clause hidden somewhere in the UK student visa legislation that would allow me to pursue higher education in the UK as a computer science student. However, all four representatives of the various universities that I had the sheer displeasure of meeting unabashedly told me to lie on both of the forms, the visa application form and the university admission form. The advice, from all four of the representatives from the righteous and mighty UK, was to tell the university and then the visa officer that I would be pursuing the chosen course as a full-time student, and once I had the visa and then landed in the UK, I should switch to part-time study by concocting one fake reason or another and to then start working as a part-time worker in one role or another.

Their tale of furnishing horrendous advice to a person uninterested in taking the wrong route does not end with the aforementioned advice of lying about the duration of the study period. As the visa section of the British embassy demands proof of funds that the student would use to pay the fees and cover the lodging expenses during his or her stay for the designated duration of the course of a full-time study, I told them of my predicament as a jobless person belonging to a lower-middle-class family of not having the requisite funds. These sensationally, outstandingly decent British representatives, two Caucasians and one British Pakistani all representing different universities, told me to borrow the money from some close relatives for a short period to generate the bank statements that would show that I had the funds. Once I had secured the visa using those manipulated bank statements — as in reality, I never would have had the funds — and eventually landed in the UK, I should ask my parents back in Pakistan to return the funds to the lenders, and then start paying the fees by working as as a part-time student. These spectacular British people, some Caucasians and some British Pakistanis, who visit countries like Pakistan and India to recruit foreign students brazenly, without a hint of shame, tell the prospective students to falsify the whole of their application, from the mode of study to bank statements, just to land in the UK. With all of these falsified application papers prepared under their spectacular guidance and submitted with the help of these touts, the British embassy 99% of the time grants the visa. To make matters even worse for the righteous British people, the visa section for foreign students of the British government in the UK is busy allowing these individuals from poor families who apply using fake bank statements to switch to a part-time mode of study in sheer numbers.

Although the British and Western folks rarely hesitate from calling the residents of the subcontinent and other poor nations remarkably corrupt people, however, despite the sheer number of students annually switching to part-time study based on concocted grounds, as these students know from day one that they don’t have the requisite funds, the visa section for foreign students in the UK has yet to become aware of the simple fact that these students are busy brazenly lying to the visa sections of the British embassies in their respective countries. An abundance of data would become available if the records of the visa section of the foreign office or whichever larger body manages these affairs in the UK were to be studied thoroughly. An inordinate number of students from these so-called poor countries eventually switch to a part-time mode of study because they never have the funds from the word go, yet the offices in the mighty Britain, whose leaders keep barking like rabid dogs when it comes to matters pertaining to corruption, have yet to become aware of this remarkable anomaly. When it comes to student visa and marriage visas related corruption, not only are the visiting Caucasians providing the complete blueprints for how to commit all of these frauds, the section of the foreign office in the UK that oversees or manages the visa-related problems of the newly arrived students has been playing a huge role in the uninterrupted continuation of this scheme. I personally know at least three people on a first and second-name basis who all belong to poor families who were able to get visas using this falsified document scheme that the student visa advisers are promoting and running with the help of the British embassy in Pakistan. The previous few paragraphs have narrated the levels of corruption taking place in only one section of the British government here in Pakistan and other countries like Pakistan, for example, India. Now let me narrate some other forms of human rights abuses that are taking place in Pakistan.

The abuse of my rights as a person and that of others at the hands of various parties getting funding directly or indirectly from the UK and America does not end with the denial of my visa because I declined to pay the form-filling mafia or being asked to submit falsified documents; it gets much, much worse. As an extremely competent individual, my rights as a person have not only been abused but pulverized and annihilated here in Pakistan. Before detailing the sensational levels of corruption being caused by the people working as the champions of human rights here in Pakistan who are getting direct funding from the UK and Europe, let me further corroborate my claim that I genuinely am an extremely competent person. As I have stated in one of the previous paragraphs that despite my daily participation in at least a few different extracurricular activities, I was able to deliver a school-topping performance. However, that is not the end of my story.

While being almost excellent at mathematics, physics, biology, and somewhat good at chemistry during my school and college days, I also possessed, and still possess, sensational narrative weaving and oratory skills. During my undergraduate degree program in Lahore, in a class with individuals with 923, 904, 898, and 888 marks, all of which are considered at least good in Pakistan and one of those individuals went on to study at the prestigious Cambridge University in the mighty UK, I was THE ONLY INDIVIDUAL who succeeded in breaching the 85 percentage points barrier in my undergraduate compulsory English class with my 96.25% points. Although I was not able to sustain that percentage throughout the compulsory English language course, as this performance was delivered in only one midterm, however, the only reason for the failure to sustain that performance is that by the end of the semester, I had succeeded in missing 8 lectures out of a total of 32 lectures per semester per course. Despite my 8 absentees out of a total of 32 lectures and my incomplete papers owing to those missed lectures, I still managed to secure second place in a class of 50 where some had the aforementioned grades.

Our teacher of compulsory English at FAST–NUCEs, who had by the end of the semester genuinely become immensely fond of my narrative weaving skills, not only bent the rules to permit me to attend the final paper, as our institution had a strict policy of a maximum of 6 absentees per course per semester, but on the last day of the semester, while on her way out, she declared to another teacher that there goes my discovery while pointing in my direction; I was just a few paces away, so I was able to hear her and see her gesture perfectly well. If I were to paraphrase her statement without being too boastful of my abilities, then she declared me a gem as a weaver of English prose while talking to another teacher and apprising her of my abilities.

The first abuse of rights, after the initial abuse called the refusal of a visa for my temerity to fill out my form, that I had to face here in Pakistan is that despite my spectacular written and spoken English skills, at least a couple of call centers here in Pakistan declined to give me a job as a call center agent citing that my English was not good enough. I had been rated as THE BEST performer of written and spoken English by not one but two individuals in a second or third-ranking engineering institution in Lahore, and both of those individuals were EXTREMELY WELL-KNOWN for deducting grades and usually not giving any compliments. Despite spectacular grades in English language-related matters, both written work and long oral presentations, at a somewhat prestigious institution in Lahore whose graduates have managed to secure studentship places at universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, McGill and some of whose graduates are working for companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle, the people operating these third-class call centers brazenly lied to me and told me that my English language skills were not good enough: some sensational display of indecency on their part. I am CERTAIN that it would not just qualify as a mere act of indecency. Considering that I am not versed in the legal discourse, hence I am not in a position to quote precise sections of the Constitution, however, it would certainly fall under the category of some sort of criminal activity on the grounds of declining one of THE MOST MERITORIOUS applicants in the room his due right to hold a job.

When I made certain individuals working in the “highly esteemed” field of prevention of human rights abuses in Pakistan who are busy receiving COPIOUS amounts of direct funding from the “phenomenally decent and righteous” the UK, USA, and mighty Europe of these abuses, despite becoming aware of the situations perfectly well, they did nothing to stop such brutal violations of my rights. I sent an approximately 30+ pages long document to our sensationally decent and phenomenally upright Ansar Burney, who lives in Karachi, to apprise him of the situation; however, despite getting funding from the UK and operating an office in the UK, our glorious and valorous fighter of human rights abuses in Pakistan did not take a single corrective measure to bring to halt these abuses. Another person named Farah Zia — daughter of a former member of the “esteemed” Pakistani judiciary who, to the point of certainty, was the most INCOMPETENT and the most CORRUPT judge in the whole of Pakistan, namely Zia Mehmood Mirza — who also belongs to the esteemed Mughlia clan from the proud Mulhal Mughlan near Chakwal has known about this situation since 2002. Despite being a “meritorious, respectable, worthy” and sensationally proud part of a human rights body getting direct funding from the EU and UK, this “heroic”, “spunky”, and “intrepid” woman named Farah Zia did not take a single corrective step. When it comes to sensational Farah Zia, she has another despicable, odious act for which she probably is getting handsomely rewarded. She calls herself a meritorious, insightful, well-read, extremely judicious journalist with an immaculate and unimpeachable record who is always busy exposing the extreme levels of corruption in Pakistan.

Unfortunately for this lionhearted, unflinching, intrepid woman of unimpeachable, unblemished, squeaky clean character who has been living very comfortably in the extremely expensive city of Lahore for the last 20 years and roaming the streets of Pakistan in a pricey car with a raging desire to criticize the rest of the society, her father, namely Zia Mehmood Mirza, was the most incompetent and one of the most corrupt judges of Pakistan’s judiciary. When it comes to Farah Zia the journalist and her raging desire to criticize Pakistani society and expose the grave injustices taking place in this country, unfortunately, her sordid, disgusting tale of ignoring the most heinous personalities living next door who happen to be her closest relatives does not end with her father and his diabolical reign as a judge in Pakistan. Now her elder brother named Shams Zia Mehmood is also a judge. Considering Shams Zia Mehmood’s extremely poor, verging on the diabolical, record as a student, he should not have qualified for the role of a judge in Pakistan in any case; however, he has managed to bag this spectacularly well-paying job because of his mother’s phenomenally strong connections with feudals of Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, and directly with Bhuttos. Farah Zia’s tale of depravity does not end there.

Unfortunately for our valorous journalist, namely Farah Zia, who has been tirelessly criticizing the rest of the society while ignoring her outstandingly corrupt and horribly ill-behaved blood relatives, her sensationally talented elder brother with an extremely poor educational academic record, the esteemed Mr. Shams Zia Mehmood, managed to commit some grave crime along with another sensational Mughal who is his first cousin when both of them were in their early-to-mid 20s, and the police in the city of Jhelum or Lahore ended up writing up an FIR — First Information Report; FIR is a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offense. Shams Zia Mehmood Mirza’s father, Zia Mehmood Mirza, was an acting member of the judiciary at the time and a vociferous supporter of the Peoples Party, and using his influence, he managed to force the police department to expunge all traces of that FIR, hence his son now roams the streets of Pakistan as an individual with an immaculate record who has never, not once, committed any grave misdeeds. Despite the heinous personalities of her father, brother, husband, and some of her first cousins who took full advantage of the connections enjoyed by Mr. Zia Mehmood Mirza owing to his wife’s remarkably close ties with the feudals of Multan and Sindh, our sensational journalist Madam Farah Zia has never, not once, written a single word against these diabolical characters, or ever tried to expose the extremely long trail of corruption left behind by her father, mother, and elder brother. Despite her diabolical, horrendous, phenomenally corrupt character, now this woman earns her living as a senior journalist castigating the rest of the Pakistani and Indian society, as she has, on occasions, because of her remarkable connections managed to win contracts from Indian publications, as well. Therefore, she now feels, despite the aforementioned long trail of corruption, that she has the God-given, divine right to criticize Indian society, as well.

When it comes to Farah Zia’s family, her sister has managed to win a coveted spot as a professor at the National College of Arts, also known as NCA, Lahore, despite not having produced a single spectacular or even very good performance throughout her years as a student at various educational institutions. Considering the spectacular levels of corruption that Zia Mehmood and Fazal Zia Mehmood’s family has managed to perpetrate in Pakistan so far, the likelihood or probability of Iram Zia’s appointment having taken place because of a few phone calls made by the feudals of Multan and Bhuttos is not just through the roof; it’s actually through the mesosphere. Despite the SHEER GRAVITY of this sordid tale of corruption perpetrated by Zia Mehmood and Fazal Zia Mehmood, their breathtakingly, magnificently judicious daughter, namely Farah Zia, with an inordinate and uncontrollable desire to write about the corruption in Pakistan and the rest of the world, has never, not once, felt the need to write about the havoc wreaked by her father mother duo in the name of gargantuan levels of corruption in Pakistan.

Despite this abhorrent track record as an individual and journalist, she has been getting paid by a human rights body in Pakistan as a proponent of human rights, and that human rights body has been getting direct funding from the UK and Europe. Farah Zia has been vociferously and incessantly claiming for the last 15 years that her family firmly stands in favor of the establishment of a meritorious society and eradication of nepotism in Pakistan, yet every appointment she and her siblings have received so far and the promotions that some of her beloved cousins received during their tenures as professionals were acquired with the help of the outstandingly influential feudal families from Multan and Sindh, namely Gillanis, Legharis, and Bhuttos. These mighty feudals from Multan and Sindh are always willing to help the family of Zia Mehmood and Fazal Zia Mehmood get the wholly undeserved appointments for their children and cousins as Fazal Zia, who is the wife of now retired judge Zia Mehmood Mirza, is a daughter of a feudal lord from somewhere near Multan with a huge Mango orchid exporting Mangoes to Europe. Fazal Zia’s family has phenomenally strong connections with these feudals from Multan and Sindh, and that is how her children and cousins of her children have been getting all of the contracts and wholly undeserved promotions. With the help of these feudals, Farah Zia’s husband, namely Asad Jamal, was able to win a coveted role in Pervez Musharraf’s setup who was serving as a military ruler of Pakistan, when, to the point of absolute certainty, far better and far more qualified Pakistanis existed who were never considered for the role.

Based on their time in various educational institutions in Pakistan and even abroad, the children of Zia Mehmood Mirza have only managed to prove to the rest of the world, their cousins, and me that they are extremely incompetent and cannot perform any tasks involving intelligence extremely well. Despite the existence of the aforementioned profusion of proof of poor performances in sheer abundance, they are occupying extremely well-paying jobs in Pakistan all thanks to their parents’, especially their mother’s, sensationally strong connections with the feudals of Multan and Bhuttos. When it comes to how I know all of this, I am an outstandingly competent son of one of the cousins of “esteemed” Mr. Zia Mehmood Mirza’s children. My father is Zia Mehmood Mirza’s elder brother’s son, and I know these people extremely well and most of their sordid tales, too.

With such heinous track records as individuals, they did not just forget about ensuring the cessation of the abuses; these proud Pakistanis who are getting funding straight from the UK and EU bodies did not take a single step to ameliorate the situation. These champions of human rights, namely Ansar Burney and Farah Zia, who are always busy boasting about their role in preventing the vicious abuses of human rights in Pakistan, have truly third-class academic records — never, ever were they able to MERITORIOUSLY leave a truly sound impression on the academics whenever they were a part of the educational system. Despite all of this, they are enjoying extremely comfortable lifestyles in Pakistan which can be deemed somewhat luxurious considering that an absolute majority of Pakistanis never in their lifetimes manage to own a brand new Toyota Corolla. Their spectacularly comfortable lifestyles are in a large part funded by the mighty and righteous UK and Europe, yet they have taken a grand total of zero steps to bring to a halt these abuses of the human rights of an extremely talented individual.

As most of these extremely incompetent individuals are getting a considerable portion of their funding from Europe and the UK, they are also the most vociferous mouthpieces and propagandists of these extremely corrupt regimes in Europe and the UK.

This tale of sensational, phenomenal levels of corruption funded by the mighty and righteous UK does not end with the previously mentioned repulsive, odious, despicable display of well-funded yet extremely incompetent people. It succeeds in reaching almost unheard-of depths of an abyss of depravity. The magnum opus, the crowning glory, of all of the phenomenal levels of corruption perpetrated by Pakistanis and almost entirely funded by the UK and Europe is an individual named Omar Mirza, son of a phenomenal Abid Mirza who was himself an exceedingly notorious and remarkably incompetent mighty Mughal, who once again belongs to the mighty Mughlia clan from Mulhal Mughlan near Chakwal. This sensational, spectacular existence named Omar Mirza, loved and revered by many in the sensational Mughlia clan, failed to manage a thoroughly inadequate but mandatory 33 percentage passing points, which are deemed by academics as an almost non-existent challenge and the lowest hanging fruit, in FA exams in the first attempt owing to his phenomenal levels of incompetence and a diabolical character. Because of his despicable and diabolical character, he managed to earn almost unrivaled levels of notoriety in the whole of the Chakwal. Upon finally managing that scant, almost free for the taking, 33% in some third-class FA subjects, this spectacularly diabolical person failed to pass his BA exams in some remarkably easy subjects thrice — not once, not twice, but thrice — owing to the mere fact that he never had the time available for studies because he was almost always busy with one nefarious activity or another and earning extreme notoriety for himself and his family. Now this Koh-i-Noor, the biggest and the most finely cut diamond in the grand collection of this spectacular clan, has been working as an officer with some stated expertise that he simply cannot acquire in a charity called Plan International once again funded by the mighty and righteous UK.

Throughout his early life as a school-going child and then as a young adult, Omar Mirza was only able to leave a long and almost never-ending trail of proof of one fact and merely one fact alone: he possesses diabolical learning abilities and can only work in menial jobs suitable for almost UNSKILLED WORKERS, jobs like a security guard at an office, tea boy, a store assistant certainly not required to carry out accountancy work, dishwasher at a large hotel chain, or a parcel delivery driver. However, the esteemed organization named Plan International headquartered somewhere in the UK has somehow managed to hire him as a specialist of some kind despite his nerve-rattlingly horrendous educational track record which proves only one simple fact: he cannot perform tasks that require at least a somewhat acceptable level of competence. This spectacularly incompetent person, who would ALMOST meet the incompetence criteria set for dysfunctional individuals in Europe and America, now drives a 2016 or 2018 Toyota Corolla costing approximately 20,000 US dollars or 55 lakh Pakistani rupees and earns in either US dollars or British Pounds all thanks to the sensational, almost unparalleled levels of “DECENCY” that British and European NGOs have been exhibiting in Pakistan. The wife of this euphoric personality who goes by the name of Omar Mirza and his wife’s sisters are also almost certainly spectacularly incompetent women with, once again, almost certainly diabolical, horrible character records, yet all of them are working for one European or UK-funded body or another.

European, UK, and American-funded organizations in Pakistan are busy employing such people, people whom just about nobody in Pakistan is willing to consider worthy of employment and who have exceedingly poor learning skills, and these organizations funded entirely by the West or America are busy rewarding them handsomely. Some of these inordinately diabolical characters then become the most vociferous proponents of spectacularly corrupt regimes in the UK, America, and some so-called rich European countries. That is how the propaganda in favor of the mighty UK and USA gets funded in Pakistan, by handsomely rewarding extremely incompetent to phenomenally incompetent individuals with diabolical track records who then perpetuate the usual tales of righteousness associated with these corrupt countries on various social media platforms. The news media outlets of these so-called rich countries are then able to use their anonymized statements to perpetuate this image that they have the data to corroborate the claims that people in countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and other places thoroughly approve of the workings of the UK, some rich Western countries, and American governments. Another benefit of hiring such horrible characters is that they come with the guarantee that they do not possess an iota of shame; hence, decent people just cannot argue with them as they keep spouting untenable, wholly preposterous statements on social media platforms in favor of the governments willing to fund such odious characters. To the point of certainty, they also engage in the activity of running multiple different accounts using fake identities to amplify this bogus propaganda that the UK, West, and American countries are legitimately working to raise the standard of living in Pakistan and other third-world countries.

These Western democracies who go around proudly presenting themselves as the beacons of virtue and the only righteous group in the whole of the world are busy systematically abusing the rights of competent people, especially men, in countries like Pakistan, India, and other countries in the African continent and handsomely rewarding extremely incompetent individuals. Their marvelously sculpted narrative that presents them as the virtuous leaders of human rights in the rest of the world is merely a revolting, disgusting, grotesque charade perpetuated by sensationally corrupt organizations like the BBC, CNN, and FOX News that continue to boast about their human rights record in the whole of the world. These Western democratic countries, with the help of outstandingly corrupt politicians in these third-world countries, first create extremely oppressive economic environments in the third world. These harsh economic circumstances consequently force capable people from third-world countries to leave their families and friends behind to find better-paying jobs in the Western world and America. Upon the arrival of these competent people and their consequent employment within their borders, the Westerners and Americans then claim that they are providing livelihoods to hundreds of thousands of well-educated but destitute people from these countries, and they are busy running humane capitalist empires that are catering to the needs of these people from poor countries. The very circumstances that force these people to move are created by the feudal families of these third-world countries with direct assistance from these so-called rich countries.

Considering that I have disclosed the names of some sensationally well-connected yet phenomenally corrupt people in this post and despite my terrific written and oral skills, I am still jobless in this spectacularly corrupt country, hence, my situation is quite perilous. I have already received multiple death threats on different occasions as I am a vociferous opponent of the democratic regimes and quite vocal about religious oppression in Pakistan. Therefore, owing to the gravity of the crimes discussed in this document and the tremendously well-connected people whose names I have disclosed, if I fail to survive, then as is the case with all of the genuinely dead people, I would not be able to provide you with more details of corruption and oppression perpetrated by the British and American people in the third world countries; I have heard from very reliable sources that genuinely dead people have never been able to produce much evidence. However, if by any miracle, I am able to survive after the publication of this document, then I have accumulated a long list of pictorial evidence of monetary oppression that America and Britain are busy inflicting upon the people of third-world countries. Circumstances permitting, I will publish the rest of the corroboratory documents later, of course, if I survive after the publication of this document listing the sensational levels of corruption taking place under the auspices of Britain and America.

Following articles provide more details into all of the events that I have witnessed or regarding which I have first hand information relayed by the perpetrating parties or details concerning the conduct of people whom I know personally. You will encounter some spectacularly horrendous details, so you stand forwarned. Some nerve-wracking material awaits.


  1. Pathetic; you were never as good as you think you were. Always a loser, always a bully. You didn't have the guts to do anything more than whine, and you're still whining like a little bitch all across the internet.
    Get a life ! stupid arsehole.

  2. Laughing my ass off rolling on the ground. Firstly, you should have used an exclamation point after the word Pathetic. When it comes to how good or not so good I am, you definitely have another person hailing from the subcontinent in mind. Goes by the name of Asim Qureshi and went to Oxford. I have a list of timelines that would even trash his record. He has a BS in Physics from Oxford and has been very vocal on Quora. You probably had that person in mind. Confusing me for someone else from the region of sub continent. Just to remind you of your ignorance, this activity, when corroborated so spectacularly thoroughly, is called writing historical details and not whining.

  3. laugh your ass off in your little room within your sad little existence. You are a little bitch, good for nothing, waste of space. Keep trying to convince yourself of how good you are, the fact is you are pathetic and completely worthless.
    Chootiya saala

  4. Talking to a person who is being suggested names of professor level marketers from Pakistan and abroad for works he has yet to complete. With the immense level data and numbers that I have, your pathetic, miserable, stench emitting existence has once again caused a loud fit of laughter in my room. Outstandingly nonsensical to such a phenomenal extent that I just cannot stop my loud laughs. Rolling with laughter.

    1. sharam aati hai tumhain kesui behooda bakwaas kartay ho unn logon k baaray main jinhon ne tumhain apnay ghar main rakha aur khidmat ki. Behaya, beghairat, besharam ghatya insaan. Jo tatti moo main aati hai bak detay ho. Haraam zaaday tumhain banda pakar k maaray taakay tumhari aqal thikaanay aaye. soowar kaheen ka


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