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An Impeccable Game of Strategy: Master Strategist At Work

A phenomenally talented lawyer, second class second from a third class college, named Abid Mirza from Mulhal who had a raging inferno with keeping his bed warm all day and night and who obdurately declined to ever leave the bed succeeded in giving birth to a sensational, spectacular, effulgent existence named Omar Mirza.

Abid Mirza’s prodigiously talented son turned out to be so phenomenally talented a person, a true conquerer of the academic world, that he failed to get his BA certificate in terrific and stunningly demanding subjects like Urdu, Pakistan Studies, Sociology, and Islamiat all the while taking these subjects in Urdu. While Mr. Omar Mirza the Great was busy acquiring magnificent skills attempting his BA multiple times and failing each time to get an almost non-existent 33% points, the effulgent existence managed to set alight almost every household in the whole of the Chakwal with his sensational character. However, by the time he had reached the grand old age of 25, Omar Mirza the conquerer’s wondrously, thunderously talented father, the outstandingly talented Abid Mirza, had mastered the indecipherable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, impenetrable subject called basic arithmetic, the mystifying, baffling, and verily enigmatic and inscrutable art of adding 2 plus 2; although he was already 52, nevertheless, the sheer density of the subject matter certainly justifies the late arrival. Lo and behold, armed with the almost impossible-to-master art of arithmetic, the mighty Mughla from Mulhal Mughlan, Abid Mirza, was now ready to play a phenomenally challenging game involving some truly outstanding and breathtaking number crunching and strategy.

Having witnessed his prodigiously talented son’s achievements and behavior over the years, the extraordinarily talented Abid Mirza Sahab concluded that to succeed in finding a daughter-in-law with at least an acceptable enough figure and looks and a BA degree regardless of the nature of subjects, no matter how third-class the subjects maybe, he would have to visit some sensationally isolated pockets near Chakwal with extremely poor parents desperate to ditch what is usually deemed a burden in poor families, a hardly educated daughter.

The prolific game of mathematics, planning, and strategy unfolded thusly: all of the extremely poor and spectacularly incompetent relatives of the mighty Mughlia clan living within 100 kilometers of Chakwal declined to accept his tremendously and mind-blowingly talented son with a squeaky clean character record as their son in law. Till the age of around 36 years, despite a raging desire to fornicate with just about any girl who could walk around and had some education, the phenomenal darling of the Mughlia clan, named Omar Mirza, failed to find a wife entirely thanks to his sensational character and spectacular achievements in academics.

Within the wider Mughlia clan replete with extremely incompetent people who are almost always able to find copulating or marriage partners within the wider family, it is solely to Abid Mirza’s credit that despite the sheer incompetence of the wider clan, he was not able to find marriage partners for his children within the family despite his desire to do so. Almost the entire wider family knew about the character and conduct of Abid Mirza’s children, and all of them declined to accept his children. To the point of certainty, his daughter-in-laws’ family and characters, if investigated properly, would turn out to be quite horrific, as well. The last statement is only probabilistic in nature as I have never, not once, tried to contact the family or accept them in my circle.

A 100% true tale of sensational strategic moves by an astoundingly and astonishingly talented Mr. Abid Mirza from Mulhal Mughlan and his effulgent wife Amir Chauhdry from Noorwal, a place that just about nobody wants to visit in the whole of the Punjab.


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