Insights From A Different Corner

Blog Under Construction! Apologies For Poor Layout.

Search The Blog

Hello fellow earthling, no matter how spectacular or despicable you may be, if you are here to find some extra gold published on this blog, then I would like to offer my profuse apologies. While putting finishing touches to the layout of the blog, somewhere along the way, I lost the desire to add the search functionality. However, that does not mean in any way at all that you cannot dig for more gold here.

The Inquisitive visitor or a lost wanderer visiting this page, you can search the contents of this blog by using the site: operator or restrictor in both Bing ond Google search engines.

For example if you are looking for all of the post including words “odious,” “despicable,”, and “repugnant,” then you can simply enter the following query in one of Google, Bing, or Qwant search engines.

   odious + despicable + repugnant

Or, instead of the one suggested above, you could try the following query.

	phenomenal + negotiator


	unrivaled + powers + persuasion

The use of the “site:” operator along with the URL of this blog will limit the search to all of the content on this blog. Having said that, I would again like to apologize for absence of the functionality right here on the blog. Accept my profuse apologies as I have been having some personal issues, and there are occasions when I completely lose the desire to work on a much needed feature.


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