Types Of Partnerships Which I Am Willing To Enter
Nominal Partnership: As a person in the nominal partership role, your only job would be to help me create an account on sites like Etsy and similar sites by allowing me to use your residential address and your personal details. For letting me use your personal details, I will pay you 15% of all of the profits generated from the sales of the items.
Advanced Partnership: If a person with a graduate level degree with properly accetpable grades would like to get into partnership with me and would like to take on more responsibility, then I would be quite eager to form one such partnership. The additional responsibility will include either learning to market my artworks, calligraphy works, and logos yourself or finding a highly rated marketer on a website like UpWork or Freelancer to promote my Etsy or similar shop to interested clients. I would be more than willing to share 35% of the profits generated with a person capable of proving to me that he or she possesses good graduate level education and can find excellent marketers on UpWork or Freelancer. If the person desirous of forming an advanced partnership has maintained good (85% or more) to very good grades (90% or more) grades throughout his or her academic career, then I would be more than willing to offer 50% of the profits generated from the sale of items. Please keep in mind that the offer of 35% or 50%, depending on grades, would be capped at the sales of USD 250,000. If the marketer screened by the chosen party is able to generate sales beyond USD 250,000, then the percentage on offer would definitely decrease, dropping to 25% to 20.00% of the sales depenping on performance beyond the initial 250,000 USD. When considering to establish contact, also keep in mind that I would most likely decline to work with people who consistently failed to manage even 70% marks throughout their academic career.
Please keep in mind that I detest — I genuinely loathe — dirty marketers who rely or dirty tactics and schemes to generate sales. When it comes to the charges incurred by hiring the marketers, although I currently do not have access to a credit card and any readily available liquid assets, however, once you and I, the partner allowing the use of the personal details in the Western Hemisphere and me, have generated enough sales that I can finally pay you the hourly rates of the marketers hired on UpWork or Freelancer, then I will finally reimburse the money paid to the marketers, as well.
If you decide to work with me, then I would not have any problems if you were to even look for marketers charging 500–1000 USD for their monthly work. When it comes to hiring a marketer on UpWork or Freelancer, you will have to do proper screening and then introduce me to that person. When it comes to the marketer’s chosen schedule, I have zero demands; work whichever hours would suit that chosen marketer best, I will keep results and how they are achieved my only focus — no dirty tactics allowed. Just include a success clause when dealing with them that they would have to show some tangible results to get paid for their work. My artworks, brochures, customized poetry, and other items would be available on the Etsy Shop, hence, it should not be difficult for a seasoned marketing professional to ascertain whether that person would be able to sell them successfully or not.
Rough Draft of What Constitutes Mandatory Reading
When it comes to opening an Arts and Crafts shop with the help of a foreigner, whether hailing from the subcontient or a Caucasian and now living in the Western Hemisphere, I am willing to enter into two different types of agreements or partnerships, one a truly nominal partnership where the person would allow me to use his or her credentials and the other a more advanced, somewhat demanding partnership. Regardless of the type of partnership, whosoever feels the need to contact me, then be prepared to show me all of your government documents, your educational records, and your current job titles and the company with which you currently hold an employment contract or record. Keep in mind that I have absolutely zero desire to form any type of partnership with any person, male of female, who participated in any one or multiple activities listed below:
- Any male or female who has a criminal record; I will only ignore minor traffic offenses and seriously minor finance-related offences — which educated person on this planet earth has now not heard of the Delaware Loophole where the US Congress anad State legislatures are allowing companies to evade taxes;
- No former or current members of the international credit card theft, data theft, or login credetial details theft and dissemination would be entertained.
- I detest spousal battery or torture crimes, therefore, if you have been implication in such crimes, do not contact me.
- People involved in hate crimes, race-related crimes, harassment, gun crimes, and repeat offenders such as spammers will not be entertained either.
- People involved in Intellectual property theft including copyright theft will not be entertained at all. As an original thinker with multiple patent-pending ideas and 10–12 original poems to my name and an ardent aficionado of original poetry and artworks, I abhor intellectual property theft and copyright theft some fervor and intensity.
- People working for charities which have been primarily setup to act as a propaganda machines to produce copious amounts of untenable material, almost entirely gibberish, to present people like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Larry Page as icons and British and American democracies as saviors of humanity will not be entertained at all.
- People involved in posting or disseminating pornography on social networks or repeatedly to people who have made them aware they do not want such material.
- People implicated in DDoS attacks or in one way or another causing severe degradation in the performance of the Internet or willfully degrading viewers experience to a point where managing the online affair become almost impossible for them.
- People who have been proven guilty of rape or pedophilia or have been implicated in such crimes with exonerating verdicts declaring them more than marginally responsible for the incident.
- People who have been found guilty of uploading viruses or malicious code, usiing services to send spam, or to do anything else that could disable, overburden, interfere with, or impair the proper working, integrity, operation, or appearance of any digital services, systemes, or Products will not be entertained at all.
- People who have been implicated in illegally accessing or collecting data from servers or services using personal code or commercial products for financial gains, threatening, or blackmailing others. Any person who has been implicated in accessing or collecting private data and has been implicated in such activity should refrain from contacting me.
- People who have been involved in or have been implicated in illegally acquiring loging credentials to misrepresent themselves and engage in illegal activities on any or various social networks will not be entertained at all.
- People who have been implicated in acquiring and selling private data without the consent of the other parties involved.
- People who have been implicated in repeatedly making falsified calls to critical networks for reporting crimes that have not taken place, and have been involved in crimes such as making fraudulent, duplicative, or groundless reports or appeals.
Let’s move to the details of what sort of partnerships I am willing to form and the race or religion related problems that I need to address.
Partner Preferences: Perfectly Suitable To Unacceptable Candidates
- I have no gender preferences, meaning I would be willing to use the residential and personal credentials of either a male or female.
- Although I am a heterosexual male, nevertheless, when it comes to getting into even nominal business partenships, I have no issues with whether you are gay, lesbian, queer, or transgender.
- Also note that although I am an avowed agnostic, however, I have no hesitation in working with people belonging to any religious group, even Muslims. Just refrain from lecturing me on religious matters.
- I have no hesitation in working with Blacks, Latinos, Indians, or Caucasians as long as you refrain from fleecing me or engaging in any fraudulent activity.
- People with certain types of disabilitties who can perform this job of helping me create and run a shop on Etsy or other platforms will not be discriminated against either.
- I have zero, absolutely zero, issues with people in polygamous relationships.
- I will not be able to entertain or consider partnership requests form children under the ages of 18 years old.
Mandatory Identification Documents — Internet Is Replete With Fraudstres
Having disclosed my lack of concern with various types of groups and their personal issues, I would like to disclose in unequivocal terms that be prepared to show me your high school and college certificates to prove your identity. I would also need to take a look at the interested party’s government ID documents to verify that I would be dealing with a legitimate person and not a conman or woman trying to steal my works. By now, any serious person should be perfectly aware of the fact that the mighty Internet, despite its numerous benefits, is replete with conmen and conwomen always ready to take advantage of gullible individuals. Hence, I will not be able to entertain partnership offers from people unwilling to show me their verifiable identity documents.
When it comes to any parties interested in contacting me, rest assured I will not entertain any application or contact attempt from any member of the Mughlia Clan hailing from Mulehal and their wider family circle including members of the Butt clan to which Jamil Butt and General Pervaiz Butt belong, and any members hailing from villages near Mulehal Mughlan with whom Mughlia clan has any close ties. Not a single person belonging to these families will be deemed a worthy partner.
Important Reading: Better Grades, Better Rewards
If a person with an extremely well earned graduate level degree would like to enter into one such agreement, then instead of the initially offered 15% of the profit earned plus the marketers’ fees, I will increase the cut to 20% and the marketers fees would be payable by me, as well; of course, as soon as I will have enough liquid assets available to me.
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