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Farah Zia and Darlings: Thieves, Porn Addicts, and More

An esteemed journalist in Pakistan who also happens to be a venerable member of a revered human rights body here in Pakistan has been keeping these people her darlings and hiding all of their horrendous acts as they keep chanting her slogans without ever disclosing her remarkable levels of moral and intellectual destituteness. I will include a link detailing the levels of incompetence this esteemed journalist has displayed over the year at the end of this post.

One of the most spectacularly, outstandingly, and astonishingly talented individuals who goes by the name of Omar Mirza, son of Abid Mirza, who was almost as spectacularly talented, developed a raging love affair with certain members of the animal kingdom. However, owing to a lack of adequate funds and his phenomenal negotiation abilities, he found a novel way of acquiring those animals. He started paying the guards of the people who owned those animals to get the animal actually costing somewhere in the region of 130,000 to 150,000 for a meager, meager sum of 20,000 to 25,000 Pakistani rupees.

To Omar Mirza’s benefit, he has been living right next door to a spectacularly and sensationally notorious ex member of the armed forces named Aziz Mirza who has sensational connections as his uncle is an ex member of the “esteemed” judiciary in Pakistan and his cousin, whose FIRs got expunged, is now a sitting judge. Hence all of these negotiations take place without the knowledge of the owner and the animal costing around 150,000 gets acquired for a mere 25,000 Pakistani rupees get brushed under the carpet and never come to light as these people have sensational connections in the system.

As the sheer good luck would have it, Omar Mirza’s phenomenally talented uncle named Aziz Mirza and his other uncle living next door name Jahanzaib Kayani always had an insatiable appetite for porn and have been porn addicts for a long time. I used to visit “esteemed, venerable” Aziz Mirza’s house as a teenager, and the porn addict Mr. Aziz Mirza had to stop me at least on a couple of occasions from accessing certain piles of cassette disks as all of them had porn movies in them; the sensational mind that Mr. Aziz Mirza possesses was rarely able to think of stuff other than porn. It’s to his credit that his daughter with 735 marks in metric and 884 marks in FSc, and a well-earned degree from NUST is now married to a spectacularly incompetent and extremely notorious member of the family named Danish Butt who could only manage a meager, meager 650 marks in FSc and some truly disgusting marks in metric, as well, if I remember correctly.

Now, having witnessed all of their horrendous conduct over the years, I have formulated a plan for them to monetize this acquisition of stolen goats and dogs even more. As most of the people living in Gulrez around Aziz Mirza are regular porn viewers, in any case, hence they should start making bestiality videos using phenomenal, effulgent Omar Mirza as the lead fornicator boinking the goat while porn addict Aziz Mirza or Jahanzaib Kayani could play the role of cameramen. They have always had profound, pronounced appreciation for porn in any case, so why the hell not create some bestiality videos, as well, for the ardent admirers of such content.

Meet Farah Zia: An Almost Complete Introduction.


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