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Wise Guy And Another Strategic Move: Uql-e-Qul And Another Attempt To Regale

To the dismay of the wider Mughlia clan and some of Anwer Hussain Mirza’s children, the eldest child of Anwer Hussain goes by the name of Abid Mirza. Abid Mirza, amongst a group of very average to below average siblings, proved himself to be a phenomenally unlikeable character. Some of his siblings had profound issues with his existence. After finishing his degree in law with spectacularly poor grades — remarkably poor grades remained his whole life’s story — when he eventually agreed to marry, his parents were only able to find a woman in one of the most notorious villages near Chakwal named Noorwal and a family so horrific that I have never met degree carrying people with such horrendous characters ever. Almost nobody belonging to even a half-decent family from any of the abutting areas near Noorwal is willing to touch these people, yet that is precisely where Abid Mirza eventually found himself.

Having gotten married, given birth to four children, and taken on all of these responsibilities, throughout his life, he declined to participate in any real work. As teenagers and then young adults, when his children were not busy earning an even worse reputation for the wider Mughlia family, they were busy fetching stuff for free from their maternal uncle’s village as their father was an outstanding work thief. As a person possessing a horrible personality, despite all of the responsibilities that a married life brings with it, Abid Mirza rarely showed any interest in participating in any real work or reigning in his desire to chant slogans and bad mouth other people. At least three of his siblings that I have spent time with, one of which happens to be my father, used to call him “Uql-e-Qul,” based on the way he used to talk and behave. Almost all of the remaining siblings, barring one or two, were in agreement that convincing him was an impossible task as he was never willing to listen to anybody. Although I do not know the exact number of opportunities that he got in his lifetime, however, based on whatsoever I know, he got at least 3 opportunities in life to establish himself as a worker, however, he was not able to like anybody anywhere and left after quarreling with one person or another. He got the opportunity to work in the UK as in the late 1960s and early 1970s, entry to the UK was visa-free, hence he was able to go there without a visa. However, he left the UK and declined to establish himself there. Then he got hired as a junior staff member in Pakistan Airforce, but left that major establishment, as well, as he was once again not able to like the personnel. He was offered a role at a law firm as a junior member, however, after just a few months to a year or so, left that firm, as well. All his life he declined to participate in any real work or put any effort into any worthwhile activity.

When I was in my mid-teens and we were living in Jhelum, I became aware of another fact of his life. The person who had all his life declined to reign in his desire to participate in slogan chanting, bad-mouthing other people, and prattling just to create an impression on others that he was a very wise person eventually decided to put that immense wisdom of his to good use and raise some funds for himself and his children. To do so, he decided to truly narrow down the most opulent families within Punjab and in his circle. In another post on the outstanding life lived by this person and his children, I have discussed his mathematical and strategic abilities in some detail. Thanks entirely to his ability to crunch numbers and strategize successfully, he was able to find the most suitable candidates who could offer him some assistance, and he sent a letter to my father asking my father to lend him more than 100,000 Pakistani rupees. Try to keep in mind that it was around 1993 or 1994. Petrol used to cost 11 Rs. per liter and the US dollar was at a meager 17 Rs. Now petrol costs around 275 Rs per liter and the US dollar is averaging around 300 PKR.

As my father was a VP in the United Bank and Abid Mirza’s younger brother, hence, his situation as a bank officer should have been perfectly clear to that sensational creature named Abid. However, as he decided to write that letter, hence, we can only presume that the master strategist and “Uql-e-Qul” as deemed by at least a few of his siblings failed to realize even this much that bank officers of my father’s rank were not, by any stretch of imagination, rich people. Whenever I think about my years in the city of Jhelum, I only see a lower-middle-income family who was living paycheck to paycheck enjoying just a few non-essentials per month. At the time of receiving that letter, my father had a paltry monthly salary of 13,500 PKR, and as he had taken some loans from the bank which were held in high-yield accounts, hence, he was getting around 30 Pakistani rupees per month in salary. As a bank employee, he was lucky to have a good house rent package and my mother was also a grade 16 employee, therefore, he was able to make ends meet despite having taken such large loans from the bank.

As Abid Mirza’s father, Anwer Hussain, himself turned out to be a rather sensational thinker, hence, he decided to alleviate his poverty problem by giving birth to 12 children. Of all of those 12 children, Abid Mirza turned out to be the worst, and his wife and children have managed to absolutely annihilate, completely pulverize, an already tarnished reputation of the family. For the last 20 years, despite my multiple refusals to mingle with the wider clan, they have been incessantly bothering me. Eventually, in 2021, I had to finally, for the 3rd time, tell his eldest son, the most prolific criminal in this smaller group of 50 cousins or so, to never show up at my doorstep again. This was the story of a person who managed to earn the reputation of “Uql-e-Qul” amongst his siblings who are themselves average to below average people even by Pakistani standards. You can read the other details in the following posts.


  1. aik number ke ghatya insaan ho. sharam bhee nahi aatay in logon ke ehsaan hain tum par.

  2. Although I harbour absolutely zero desire to converse with the sympathisers of such horrendous, despicable people, nevertheless, I know perfectly well the ability to comprehend that these people and almost all of their friends possess. They are the rejects of almost the whole of the Punjab, and you have some nerve to tell me that I owe them anything. Some of the most incompetent, spectacularly corrupt, , established criminals, and deemed untouchables by almost the whole of the Punjab, and their sympathisers have the nerve to call the party who enjoyed almost perfect reputation everywhere a thankless and shameless person.

  3. you're an arsehole !
    all of those people are far more accomplished, polished and respectable than you will ever be.
    you loser, incel, useless waste of space !


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