This is the first draft of this article; I have much more proof, narrating multitudes of so-called coincidences and a lot of screenshots of computing problems, residing on my hard disk, however, the nefarious parties are badly exhausting my musculoskeletal system. I will add more screen shots later. The final document, which should become available within the next 20 to 30 days, has the potential to be significantly more thorough and much more betterr, as well. Until then, read the events describing the horrendous use of telepathy to ruin the life of a genius.
Throughout my student life prior to reaching FAST–NUCES, Lahore, I had remained at least a very good student of Physics. Despite my participation in 6 different extracurricular activities, my average prior to arrival at FAST–NUCES was around 90%. Even in tenth grade when I was participating in 8 different extracurricular activities, I was still able to manage 88% points in the finals of the tenth grade in Physics. Owing to my outrageously insightful and incisive father’s remarkable decision making, my circumadtance deteriorated badly, as the commute time to and from the college reached somewhere near 3 hours mark. However, when I arrived it FAST, during the final of the repeat course of Physics (I will publish the details of why I had to retake the course later), the chair in front of me was vacant when I was handed the paper, and when I started to read the paper, I felt as if the whole of the paper was written in a foreign language; not a single question was making any sense at all and I had started to worry that I would not be able to furnish even half-baked answers to any of the questions. Then a girl, who was probably greatly interested in me and was the most beautiful girl at our computer science university named Mahrukh Rana, showed up and took that vacant chair in front of me, and along with her, almost perfectly in step with the girl, our Physics professor named Dr. Arshad Bhatti showed up, as well. With the arrival of these two people, all of a sudden, the whole of my cerebrum started buzzing again, and what had previously been making no sense at all suddenly became perfectly readable and comprehensible.
Although I am not sure, however, if I am not mistaken, in that repeat course where the paper was previously making no sense at all, I managed to get the highest grades. Now you have decided to make a completely unambiguous statement in your clip or video that once the brain becomes frozen, a state usually called consternation, or stalled, nothing much can be done at that stage. If that statement is correct, then how exactly did the arrival of a girl who had a crush on me and used to stare at me as if she wanted to devour me alive; because of her, I had to change my walking route at FAST — it was a mutual affair but undisclosed appreciation from my side — and one of the finest professors of Physics in the whole of the Lahore all of a sudden resolve my problem of the brain freeze and inability to read questions pertaining to somewhat dense physics?
On another occasion when I had finally developed an almost profound interest in computer science in the year of 2003, a once liked professor of compiler construction completely ruined my grade despite knowing perfectly well that people were spectacularly garbling my faculties. I have been an outstandingly competent, a true aberration when it comes to cerebral capacity, student, and until that course of compilers, even while participating in 6 extra curricular activities, I had never gotten fewer than 85% marks in any subject of my choice. The extent to which I truly excel in scientific subject matters when I eventually develop a proper interest in them can be ascertained by reviewing my grades in the 10th grade. In the 10th grade, I was participating in 8 different extra curricular including cricket, basketball, and speech contest which I won at the regional level. Despite my participation in extremely demanding 4 extra curricular and 4 not very demanding activities, I was still able to get 90% marks in mathematics and 88% marks in physics; both of these subjects are deemed extremely difficult in the whole of the world. Despite possessing such outstanding cerebral capacity, when I eventually returned to retake the course of compilers — let me also make it clear that I was taking only one course — I prepared for all of the course exams extremely thoroughly, yet I only managed to get a scant 55% marks in the course. Although the professor in charge knew perfectly well that people were garbling my cerebral faculties horribly badly, Dr. Fakhar ul Islam Lohdi let me take the final where some external party managed to completely ruin my paper. When I was retaking the course of Discrete Mathematics, the same stuff happened to me which had happened during the courses of physics and then afterwards during the course of Compiler Construction; some external party froze my cerebral ability.
It just so happens that the teacher of the repeat course of Discrete Mathematics, a FAST graduate named Humayun Ahmed, kept staring at me with a knowing look on his face when I was looking here and there owing to perplexity that the whole of the question paper seems unfathomable, and then, after staring at me for a few minutes, he started walking towards me and took a position right behind my chair. I was the only person in the last row, and the whole of the back of the class was empty. As soon as he took that position behind me, all of sudden my cerebrum awoke from the frozen or sleep state, and the paper which should have been perfectly comprehensible from the beginning, eventually started making perfectly sense.
The complete ruining of a paper — even the paper of physics started to make perfect sense after the arrival of the two named individuals — where a teacher knew that major malfeasance was taking place had never, ever happened to me before that course. To make matters worse for Dr. Fakhar-ul-Islam Lodhi, I had done the whole of the compiler’s assignment till the very last stage, which is called three address code generation, and while doing that assignment, I had even used optimization techniques discussed by Stanley B. Lipmann in his spectacularly written work titled Inside The C++ Object Model. The Teaching Assistant chosen by Fakhr-ul-Islam Lodhi gave me a mere 62% points for a perfectly done assignment in which I had made use of optimization techniques as well not only to reduce code foot print but also to enhance the speed of execution of the assignment, as well.
When it comes to FAST’s inductees and the compiler construction course, the whole of the faculty had the knowledge that merely 20–25% of the intake takes it to the very last stage of 3 address code generation part. I had not only finished the whole of the project, meaning taken it to the 3 address code generation part, I had also applied all of the optimization techniques discussed by Stanley B. Lippman in his spectacularly well written Inside The C++ Object Model book. I can say with almost utmost certainty that prior to me, no other person who had taken the compiler assignment to the very last stage, namely 3 address code generation part, had ever gotten less than 100% marks. It is a well known fact that most of the inductees at FAST and other computer science institutions in Pakistan find compiler construction course, especially the 3 address code generation part of the whole project, extremely difficult, and most of them, even some actually interested in studying computer science, tend to abandon the project development part once they have submitted the parser phase of the project. Some of the most well established software engineers from FAST–NUCES, Lahore, were busy submitting 3-address code generation part taken from one of the top 10–15 student group, for the level of compiler construction at the three address code part used to become so spectacularly demanding for the very average inductees of FAST. Most of the FAST–NUCES, Lahore’s students used to be the rejects of the highest ranking universities like UET, NUST, and GIKI, and owing to their extremely poor abilities, they used to find the last stages of compiler construction extremely demanding. I had developed the last part, the three address code generation part, using optimization techniques not even discussed or taught at FAST, as I had somehow managed to find a copy of Stanley B. Lippman’s Inside The C++ Object Model, and fallen in love with the content discussed in the book.
When I was still working at Vroom, some external party created projections on my cerebrum while I was asleep that I was having sex with my mother. The very next day, when I went to the office of Vroom Technologies, I found an email sent to the whole of the FAST, Lahore’s 97 batch group inquiring the question from an unnamed party, “Did you enjoy having sex with your mother?” The mail was sent by someone named or Usman Salim and Fahd Reaz responded to that email on the whole of the 97 group with Usman Salim — who had been involved in multiple criminal activities including international credit card theft, international login credential theft, and data theft — boldly stated that you know what I am capable of so try not to engage in this activity again. The email also inquired from that person that you are always hitting sixes — we had a term for those failing the courses too often that they were deemed sixers and probably too incompetent; the whole of the FAST knew that I had scored 80-88% scores in the finals without ever either attending any lectures or doing almost nothing during the semester — and you’re trying to establish a relationship with the Choki; people getting perfect 4.0, for which FAST has an extremely low bar, are called Choka or Chokis in FAST. I had managed to get multiple 80–88% by just appearing for the finals and they deem that a nigh on impossible to attain a total. The girl and most of the people knew of these outstanding results delivered within a matter of 10 or so hours per subject barring just the Operating Systems course, I prepared the whole of the Operating Systems book within a mere 20 hours and achieved approximately 80% marks in the final.
During that repeat course of Compiler Course, a girl named Sania Mumtaz Saleem, whom I had told in the year 2000 that I wanted to converse with her but she decline, showed up with her 4 different male friends precisely at the time when I had just finished the parser part of my assignment, and I was trying to compile the code. Coincidentally, the computer programming table next to me did not have a computer arranged on it, and the table was vacant. This woman named Sania showed up, sat on the table with her legs spread wide, usually seen in extremely raunchy movies, and all of the sudden Visual Studio Code stopped working. My perfectly compilable code which I had written an a manner that it would be perfectly portable, as well, became uncompilable as the Microsoft Visual Studio installed on the terminal which I had been using started generating missing DLL errors that I had never seen before. Owing to her spectacularly annoying presence, I had to change the desk, and I moved some 25-30 tables away from her and her group of 4 friends to use a different computing terminal. To make matters worse for the whole of the administration of FAST, they had managed to make me, of course, with the help of some extrinsic party, choose a table the next to which had not computer monitor placed on it, meaning the desk was empty for a person to sit on the table instead of using the chair. I will shed light on the importance of how they had deliberately made me use that desk later. When it comes to the errors, those strange errors that I had never encountered before did not go away, and I was not able to generate an executable. Hence, I had to submit that assignment with a letter that Visual Studio’s installation has started to generate errors that I had never encountered before, and I have no idea how to fix them instantly. As it was quite late in the night, as well, hence, I submitted the perfectly written code along with that letter. This woman’s university roll number and her husband’s roll number have been appearing on my screen ever since, and I have not been able to make any sense of the matter that what exactly do they want from me?
When it comes to Sania Mumtaz’ existence, even when I had initially expressed an interest in her existence, spectacularly strange stuff started to happen on my computer while I was working at Vroom. I had three extremely heated discussions on this matter that people are trying to badly manipulate my sentiment to keep me focused on her instead of letting me do my work or follow my passions. The fellow with whom I had held those three heated conversations goes by the name of Fahd Reaz and is the eldest son of Brigadier Mr. Reaz. I told him on three different occasions that the people that I am following on Yahoo messenger are all doing strange stuff that somehow keeps shifting my focus towards her existence. While I was in conversation with my batch mate named Manzil-e-Maqsood on Yahoo messenger, at the time Manzil-e-Maqsood was working at Cressoft, Manzil during that conversation told me that Sania is here with me; do you want to say anything to her. When I was working at Vroom, the whole of the group was somehow trying to keep me focused on her existence even when I had zero desire beyond the first letter to converse with her again.
On one night, before her marriage, when I went out to open the gate for my father to leave the house, her car was parked outside of this house that I am sharing with my father, and she was sitting in the car with her brother, having already acquired the knowledge using telepaths that I would be coming out and she would be able to make her presence known to me; that happened even when she had already said that she had no interest in me.
When it comes to Sania Mumtaz’s existence, since trying to contact her once, Sania’s have started to appear here, there, and elsewhere. For example, my last name used to be Mirza which I have abandoned owing to this clan’s spectacular, rather outstanding, levels of involvement in horrible affairs all over the province of Punjab. I eventually became involved in front-end development in the year 2006, and by the end of the year 2010, I had already sent 8 different bugs to the finest browser developed for superusers, namely Opera. Opera’s QA and engineering teams both accepted my submissions as legitimate problems in their development. Right at the time I declared my self an excellent front-end developer and a UX Expert and started work on a book discussing usability problems in all 5 of the major web browsers, including Opera. A woman named Sania Mirza became famous as a tennis player. I have been a die hard fan of tennis since 1987, and I have been following only 5 people on Twitter since 2010, and one of them is Pete Sampras, who has been my childhood favorite. What a coincidence that the woman named Sania Mirza that had to become famous had to be a tennis star. She eventually married a Pakistani named Shoib Malik, and lo and behold the wider world, I have been a cricket player since 4th grade, and I represented my school at the regional levels twice in 9th and 10th grades. That Sania Mirza — I had tried to contact Sania Mumtaz and my last name is Mirza — eventually married a cricketer named Shoaib Malik from Pakistan, and I had represented my school at regional levels twice. Some outstanding, truly remarkable or sensational coincidences that the whole of the affair involves at least two items that had been my childhood favorites, namely cricket and tennis, and the girl who eventually married Shoaib Malik shares her first name with the girl that I tried to contact in FAST and last name with my father’s side of the clan’s sir name.
When I once again tried to contact Usman Salim after a hiatus of 18 years, a batch fellow named Qudoos Chaudry showed up at Twitter at almost the exact time, and he stated that Fahad Aziz had shared some old FAS group photographs where he saw me and then found me on the Internet when I had never attended any group photography session, himself told me on Twitter that he had a telephonic conversation with his elder brother and right after the phone call started seeing adverts on YouTube on WhatsApp that were spectacularly related to his conversation with his elder brother. All four of my former batch mates, namely Hamza Rana, Zaki Malik, Qudoos Chaudry, and Ahsan Abbas Asghar showed at Twitter almost right after I had sent an email to that horrible former acquaintance namely Usman Salim. Usman never told me that he was still in tough with any of them, yet all four of them showed up straight after my first email exchange with Usman Salim. They have all been telling me since the days at FAST that these are all mere coincidences, yet I have absolutely no idea why Sania Mumtaz showed up when I was trying to submit my compiler assignment in the year of 2003. She already had a job, yet she showed up there precisely at the time when I was busy trying to submit my assignment. Now comes the part which I have written about above regarding my manipulated seating arrangement where only the desk very next to the desk which I was using did not have a monitor. As the desk did not have a monitor, hence, despite the sheer strangeness and flagrant abuse of our norms at FAST and Pakistan, she sat on the part of the computing table designed to host a monitor, and lo and behold, I had been made to sit on a desk in the case of which the next one did not have any monitor there. She sat on the desk and spread her legs wide open and my compilation process started to fail; visual studio code installed on the desktop that I had available to me on that desk started generating errors that I had never seen before.
Owing to her extremely annoying presence, as she had been busy harassing me since the days of Vroom and outstandingly vulgar stance on the table, I had to leave the desk, sit some 25-30 seats away from her and had to submit my code with a letter that I had started to experience unseen DLL errors and owing to the time of the night, I wanted to submit it without dealing with the errors that I had never seen before. When it comes to the coincidence involving sending an email to Usman Salim and the arrival of individuals named Hamza Rana, Qudoos Chaudry, and Zaki Maali, Usman Salim remained a member of international credit card theft, international rings stealing passwords and obtaining people’s details and selling them for profiteering, and data theft for at least 4 consecutive years; if I am correct then longer than 5 years. Usman Salim had been providing credit card details to all most all of his friends and he offered me some credit card numbers, as well, which I firmly declined. When Usman Salim was working at EssTech which was being run by the elder brother of the same guy named Hamza Rana who showed up right after I had sent an email to Usman Salim or started conversing with him. I once went to meet him, Qudoos Chaudary, and Hamza at EssTech, and Usman was busy talking conversing with all of them about the then very well known playboy model Tiffany Taylor and other playboy models. Usman had been providing all of these folk not only credit card details but passwords of porn and nudity websites. They were all accessing these websites using the data provided by Usman Salim. Usman gave me Playboy’s password and login info, as well, and when I asked him how he had obtained it, he simply told me that he has had access to international credit cards and major porn and nudity websites data for a long time. I used the account for a mere 6 months, and then simply stopped using even that one website. Hence, when they were busy talking about Tiffany Taylor, it least I was aware of who she was. Only these people who had been already busy conversing with Usman Salim on all of these matters showed up right after our email exchanges started in 2018 or 2019. I have this feeling, only a feeling which I cannot corroborate with any statement delivered by these people, that they are still involved in password and data theft. The so-called “coincidence” or the timing of their arrival shows that they are still strongly connected and participating in dirty businesses.
The Sania Mirza coincidence aside, which I have detailed above, recently, YouTube started showing me videos by a girl named Sania Irfan. It just so happens that people around me have once again been talking about Sania Mumtaz and I have since 2021 stopped using my given sir name and adopted a spectacularly suitable, personally chosen sir name “Surdar.” Now that I have dropped my family’s given sir name, hence, instead of showing me Sania Mirza again, the people at YouTube, without ever receiving any queries regarding Sania Mumtaz or Sania Bilal from me, showed me a girl reciting poetry with the name Sania Irfan. How very many such incidents where the last names and chosen professions perfectly last names and the chosen sports of the rare genius writing this document? How many such incidents would the scientific community and other communities like to dismiss as mere coincidence and keep telling their patients that they are imagining stuff, hallucinating, exhibiting signs of severe stress induced insanity, or severe delirium? For how long would decent, honest, capable to spectacularly intelligent people would have to tolerate such horrendously deceitful discourse which can only be termed medical malpractice and such bull shitting from psychologists and other medical professionals?
When it comes to Usman Salim’s existence, it just so happens that Usman Salim had the roll number 436 and I had the roll number 448 when we were both enrolled at FAST, NUCES, Lahore. It also happens to be the whole truth that Usman Salim remained an active member of 3 different criminal rings involved in Credit Card Theft, Data Theft, and Password Theft, and he used to provide his friends with the credit card details of Americans nationals and stolen login credentials of porn, erotica, and nudity websites like Playboy and other high end porn websites. I have the screenshot of this event which happened almost right at the time when someone was busy shouting Usman Salim’s name in my head telling me that I was experiencing tons of errors or problems because of Usman Salim, and it just so happens that at that very time, I had been experiencing tons of problems; someone was busy repeatedly stalling my system and corrupting some of my data. I am posting the photograph with this message. It also happens to be a coincidence that Usman Salim works for a company named TixHub that sells online movie and concert tickets, and a Sports Caster whom I had stopped following in 2011 or early 2012 and in whose case they dragged me back to her account by creating projections of her appearing in a velodrome and getting her buttocks and feet measured, and that sports caster started posting photographs on Instagram that companies selling online tickets were not letting her access their services and blocking her; they were repeatedly asking her to prove that she was a human and a die hard fan of that artist. All along, people were repeatedly yelling inside of my head that Usman Salim is busy creating all of these problems, and it just so happens that he works for a company that sells online tickets for concerts and movies, and the only sportscaster whose content I follow on Instagram using a third party kept posting screenshots that an online company selling tickets to movies and concerts was not letting her purchase tickets.
Zaki Malik, who showed precisely at the time when I reestablished contact with Usman Salim, told me that he wanted to converse with me but he could only do that on Skype as he was not a keyboard warrior and had stopped using keyboard long ago. However, he has been busy publishing paper after paper in America as an employee of UT Austin. He told me himself that he finds books that pertain to his area of studies, reads them thoroughly, and then publishes articles which tend to be merely digests or abridged versions of those books on those matters as his own work, the same old data theft stuff that Usman and his friends were busy doing when they were working here in Lahore. Despite being a publisher of dozens of articles and a book, he still declined to converse with me via email using the lack of ability to use the keyboard as his excuse. As I had published a book on web browsers in 2011 and a revised version in 2012, he asked me to give him a copy of my book as he would like to help me get some recognition. I had helped him clear the course of Compiler Construction at FAST as he was so spectacularly poor in programming and academics that he was not even interested in developing his own lexical or parser. I had not even cleared the course of Theory Of Automata, yet I was still able to develop that Lexical Analyzer for him in a mere 4 hours. Now he is busy publishing papers which he lifts from other people’s books, and he took my book on the premise that he would like to help me, and I never, ever heard from him again.
After getting laid off from Vroom and resigning from Innovative technologies because of their horrible work environment, I decided to try to leave Pakistan for good. As my father’s outstanding decision making had ruined my chances of qualifying for a work visa anywhere, hence, I decided to gain extra points by learning what I still deem my favorite 4th language, the French language. When I started learning French at Alliance Française in the last half of 2004 or early 2005, I was also keeping an eye on jobs at various foreign embassies. I found one for which I was perfectly qualified, a job for a computer operator paying an acceptable sum of around 70,000 to 90,000 rupees to a single person; however, the very next day, two Caucasians, one male and one female, showed up at Alliance Française and they were busy conversing in American accents. The very next day after I had applied for the job of computer operator at American Embassy in Islamabad. A few days after my application, George W Bush arrived in Pakistan with his entire entourage and he met all of the people only within the premises of the American Embassy. To make matters even more interesting, he invited Pakistan cricket team to hold a 10 or 20 overs match for him even though Americans have zero interest in cricket, whereas I had been a cricketer since 4th grade and represented my school twice in 9th and 10 grade at the regional levels.
While I was trying to learn French at Alliance Française, one of their teachers named probably name Aleem somebody started to scratch his crotch and play with his testicles in front of me when I had started taking independent lessons from him as their usual classes were proving spectacularly slow and easy for me, and I decided to switch to independent tutoring for longer, more intensive sessions. I was doing spectacularly well, however, when he started scratching his scratch and balls, I had to abandon my plans to continue studying at Alliance Française. I lodged an extremely strongly worded complaint with the Martin named guy who was leading the Alliance Française Lahore chapter, and instead of penalizing the person, they made that Aleem named guy the head of Alliance Française, Faisalabad Chapter. After abandoning my plans to gain those points in French, I reverted to computing and faced the following three utterly inexplicable and outstandingly major problems.
When I decided to learn CSS, instead of buying a book, I downloaded the whole of the specification describing the CSS 2.1 standard from the W3C's website. Some external body tried its level best to stall my progress. First, they started to cause spectacular levels of reading failures on my digital screen, hence, I had to purchase HP printer and print out the whole of the document. Then they tried to cause spectacular reading failures when I was trying to reading printed documents, however, the severe garbling of the letters on the screen that they had started to cause that they were causing on the screen stopped. However, they slowed down my progress to such an extent that while reading the content that horrible, horrendous party used to dramatically start depleting my energy bank, or bodily energy, that after each day, I used to start feeling completely exhausted after reading only three pages, and used to take me at least a couple of hours to finish those three pages as the outside party causing these severe energy depletion was also busy causing severe memory failures. As a result, I used to have to read and reread those three pages multiple times during those two to three hours every day. Every day, after those three hours of reading, I used to fall asleep, as the outside party used to deplete my energy bank to such an extent that I used to lose all energy to participate in any other activity. It took me 3 months to finish an outstandingly easy document, and I am the person who read the whole of Operating Systems: Internals And Design Principles in a mere 20 hours as I had missed 92% of the lectures and the teacher, namely Zahid Raza, tried to stop me in the second last lecture by saying that I know you have missed almost all of the classes, and you are badly failing the course, please attend the last two lectures as the revision is taking place and you might, just might, pass the exam. I told him in unequivocal terms that I had been forced to joined the institution by my father, and I had no interest in attending any lectures. On the day before the final, I sat down with the Operating Systems book written by William Stallings and read the whole of the book in a mere 20 hours for an 80% score in the final. I passed the course without having submitted the assignment that we had been asked to submit, and out of total 85% that I had attempted, because of my 80% score in the final, I managed to get 57 out of the total 85 attempted, all thanks to the 80% score in hte final exam of the operating systems theory. Despite being that person who managed to read the whole of the Operating Systems book, which almost all of the CS graduates deem at least very dense subject matter, in a mere 20 hours while I was enrolled ta FAST, I had to spend 3 months to finish that CSS specifications which is outstandingly easy in comparison as outside parties were causing severe problems and outstanding level of exhaustion. In the case of the CSS standard, the decision to purchase an HP printer saved me, even though I had to face outrageous levels of problems.
When I purchased Andrew B King’s Website Optimization, the same or some other outside party started to cause the same issues related to severe exhaustion and repeat memory failures. I still have the copy of the book where owing to the repeat failures, I had started to use sticky pointer sheets to mark all of the extremely important sections, and I used to consult those section again and again to memorize the most important parts. In the case of Andrew B King’s Website Optimization, I once again had to spend three months to finish a book which would in comparison remain an extremely easy book. While at FAST, I had finished the whole of the Numerical Method’s book, which discusses differential calculus and similar stuff devised by Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz, in a mere 8 hours for 80% marks in the final. I had attended a grand total of 0 lectures, and I taught the whole of the to myself in a mere 8 hours for another 80% or 81% marks. However, when I tried to read these two extremely simple books, the CSS 2.1 standard and Website Optimization by Andrew B Kings, it took me 3 months each to finish those books.
In 2008, truly horrible Mughlia clan, whom I had told in unequivocal terms to stay away from me and never involve me in their affairs, decided to hold a marriage party at our house of Sana Asim Khan. As I had had crystal clear awareness of their horrible, long standing criminal conduct and past, hence, I had no choice but to leave the house. During the three days of what they somehow managed to deem festivities as someone was getting married to Shanaz Salahuddin’s daughter, I had to stay in Rawalpindi. When I reached the Daewoo’s bus station, my horrendous, horrible elder sister’s sister in-law Javaria Maqbool showed up immediately with a large bag and started conversing with me. After I returned from Islamabad, someone started circulating threats in my head that if you are not going to marry Javaria, then Erfan Maqbool will divorce Safanna Erfan, the horrible and spectacularly dumb sister with whom I have had the profound misfortune of growing up. After 3 or 4 days, when I kept shouting in my room that if you want to divorce her, then go ahead as I have no intentions of marrying Javaria, they eventually stopped, and I never had to endure such threats again.
When I was out to get some groceries, near the bank Alfalah Branch near Al–Fatah Model Town, Shams Zia Mehmood, who would have been a registered rapist had it not been for his mother’s connections with Yousuf Raza Gillani and Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari, had parked his car horizontally to block all of the traffic and he was busy staring at me. That was precisely the point where I was telepathically issued a death threat, as well, to stop writing about spectacularly corrupt democratic systems. When people at Alliance Française started creating hurdles in my continued acquisition of the French language, I once left infuriated from the Alliance Francaise office as my rightful top spot had been given to a girl, and right in front of the Alliance Francais, Shams Zia Mehmood’s Black Corolla was parked and he was there. While I was enrolled at Alliance Française, this spectacularly, horribly, horrendously corrupt family had sent their elder daughter’s eldest daughter to study with me and she actually tried to befriend me as well. It’s my good luck that I declined to establish any connection with her.
When I went to get my mandatory ID documents at NaDRA office in blue area, Farah Zia, now the head of HRCP, showed up, and the person holding my faculties hostage did not allow me to say anything to her. She remained there and when I talked to the desk clerk about getting myself registered as an agnostic instead of a Muslim, she looked straight at the desk clerk and started shaking her head in a no gesture to make him say that I should not be able to get an ID card as an agnostic and that would create work for the HRCP office in Lahore. Some people, who seem to be quite concerned about the whole of the affair and the continued physical and mental pain that I have been enduring, have been repeatedly saying that people at HRCP are inextricably involved in the abusive tactics of Pakistan government, and a lot of the abuse that decent, honest, competent people have to endure takes place because of people like Farah Zia. As I have been jobless for over 20 years now, and no company, despite my outstanding talents is willing to give me a job, hence, once they have ensured that all of the doors have been shut on one such person, they force that person to contact organizations like HRCP and other human rights bodies so that they would be able to claim that they were once again able to help a person who was desperately in need and almost suicidal owing to his or her abysmal state.
Since establishing contact with Zeshan Haider’s elder brother, Irfan Urfi, I once again experienced the same episode which I had experienced when I contacted Zeshan Haider in 2016 to get some assistance for the persistent headaches. He was pronounced dead just a few weeks or months after my email, and my cerebrum plunged into complete darkness. I completely lost track of what I had been doing and all of my writing projects that I had planned for the next 5 years disappeared from my brain. When I established contact with Syed Irfan Urfi in the March of 2024, some external force once again plunged my cerebrum into outstanding levels of anxiety and fear that the elder brother of my once best friend was in dire need of money and needed some help immediately. After experiencing that extreme state of anxiety and hearing loud voices inside of my head that he really needed my help, I forwarded him most of the articles carrying almost unique content on various matters with the stipulation that he would only be allowed to sell the Urdu versions of the articles within the whole of the subcontinent where Urdu is spoken. As soon as I forwarded him the articles, my cerebral state returned to normal, however, since then, the external parties have intensified the threats and pain to such a level that I have not been able to complete too many articles. At the time of contacting Syed Irfan Urfi, I had almost 55 articles all of which were ready to be packaged into a short eBook. However, for the last 7 months, I have not been able to do it as I keep getting stalled by some external force and voices inside of my head have reached such a level that I have been sending emails to his dead brother whose email account is still active that people are busy poising my cerebrum by repeatedly taking the name of your brother. I have the record of all of the emails that I have sent Zeshan Haider since 2022 or 2023, and since contacting Syed Irfan Urfi, most of the emails have been about how the voices are getting louder and louder telling me that Syed Irfan Urfi will not let you publish your articles as an eBook as he wants a big share of the sales you are planning to generate. The voices inside of my head have also been shouting that the whole of the Syed Irfan Urfi’s group relies on telepaths to get more work as he is in the publishing industry. Whenever he finds an author, he, with the help of telepaths, starts torturing that person to get a better deal.
People inside of my cerebrum have also been shouting that your batch mates from FAST–NUCES and Urfi’s groups want to steal your patent worthy solutions residing on your hard disk and that’s why they are stalling you so that you would eventually, just to save your life as a jobless person, sell them for pennies to secure a place for yourself. I have sent extremely long emails to Satya Nadella, Jeff Bezos, and Brendan Eich with the effort to negotiate a fair price for my patents and get some work as an expert; however, I have never gotten a response, and outside parties keep shouting that they want your patents for free or mere pennies. The news of my patents has reached the email vetting teams of Jeff Bezos, Satya Nadella, and Brendan Eich, however, despite being an outrageously talented person, I have not been able to elicit a response from them as if they want this oppression to continue.
Since leaving a message on Amal Clooney’s Facebook page in 2021, I have been telepathically receiving offers to abandon my plans to write all of the planned articles, most of which would take an intensive data centric approach to expose corrupt practices of democratic system, and if I agree to abandon my plans to write the planned articles and books and send such an email to Amal again, some unnamed party is willing to pay 10 Billion US dollars to purchase all of my notes and I should just get in touch with the person whom I had previously contacted. They have been repeatedly trying to convince me that I should try to save myself and completely abandon my plans to write any more articles or books on democracies. Telepathically, I have received offers of up to 10 Billion US Dollars to abandon all of my plans as my academic record coupled with my extracurricular activities records convincingly proves, without a hint of a doubt, that I am a rare genius, and it would become extremely difficult for people like Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Larry page to defend themselves.
I will add more stuff to this later as some of my other batch mates from FAST–NUCES have played some truly horrible roles in the whole of the saga. Owing to their spectacularly disgusting involvement, I was forced to get in touch with a woman named Sidra Shakoor after 26 years; I had never conversed with her before and I had never had any interest in her existence, nevertheless, I was forced to contact her as some systems had started to malfunction spectacularly badly. Once I contacted her, at least some of the systems started working perfectly.
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