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Mighty Khan And His Religion Card: Terrorized and Firmly Muzzled Nation And A Rhetorician

Having spent the whole of his life as a cricketer chasing girls and setting the worst example for the young children in his own country, now this guy, Imran Khan, keeps trying to play the religion card to the maximum extent possible to weave his narrative. In a country where an absolute majority declines to challenge speeches involving religious figures, he knows perfectly well that exceedingly few, or almost nobody, would challenge such a narrative that involves the mentioning of prophets and their companions. As people expressing opinions againts Islam or prophet Mohammad face a death penality, hence, these so-called leaders expect perfectly silenced audience and zero statements to challenge their statements regardless of the preposterous nature of those statements.

As an avowed agnostic who correctly believes that his rights have been snatched by a terrorist state implementing a spectacularly radical version of Islam, I continue to not only protest against this tyranny but also analyze this terrorist state’s so-called revolutionary leaders’ statements from a truly scientific and mathematical lens or perspective. As the mighty Khan, whom I unreservedly dislike, has boldly proclaimed in the video that prophet Mohammed qualifies as the most successful person in the history of mankind, therefore, let us study the short clip from a mathematical and scientific point of view using numbers to expose the grave flaws in speech.

Firstly, Christianity has the greatest number of followers, or put another way, Jesus Christ has the most number of followers, hence, how can we declare Prophet Mohammed the most successful person? What exactly is Imran Khan’s measure of success? When Imran Khan himself was young, he showed absolutely zero desire to follow any of Islam’s core tenets, and now most of the nation has been showing a pronounced lack of interest in Islam’s core values, therefore, how can we declare prophet Mohammed as the most successful person ever? Based on purely the number of followers or devotees of a religion, Jesus Christ wins amongst all of the prophets.

Secondly, Muslims had managed to conquer a vast area during their prime or pinnacle of Islamic forces’ success. However, since the start of the 19th century, they have lost a lot of that area, and wherever they have retreated or surrendered to invading forces practicing another religion, Islam as a religion has declined dramatically, as well. As an agnostic and mathematics and science-oriented person, I can only consider it proof that most people in those areas had been forced to convert to Islam and were not happy with the way of life preached by Islam. As soon as they got the opportunity to abandon the imposed faith, they took that opportunity and abandoned Islam and chose a much less restrictive faith. For example, in Christianity, people do not have to pray five times a day, or even once a day. They are only required to attend Church services once per week on Sundays. Hence, it becomes spectacularly more manageable with so many responsibilities, therefore, people have been abandoning Islam in those regions that are now under other religious groups’ control.

Thirdly, even in Islamic republics where Islam is the declared religion, a small-to-extremely small minority practices Islam properly. Most of the mosques in Pakistan rarely see all of the adults living in their respective colonies or abutting developments in their daily or even weekly prayer gatherings. When I was still living in Jhelum as a youngster, as a young teenager, I used to attend the Jummah prayers almost weekly. Hence, as an eyewitness, I can tell with absolute certainty that in a colony where we had around 30–35 households with adult males, only 3 males used to show up at all for Jummah prayers. No other adult male belonging to the remaining 27 to 30 houses ever felt the need to even attend the jummah prayers, simply forget about the mandatory daily five prayers. Hence, I can only conclude that even in the so-called Islamic majority countries, people consider visiting a mosque five times daily and even once weekly for Jummah prayers a great inconvenience. Having seen the conduct of the majority of Muslims in the four different cities that I have lived in and another one that I used to visit daily when completing my FSc at Kharian College, I can say with a great degree of confidence that most people are closet agnostics who are not willing to explicitly announce their utter lack of interest in Islam.

The fourth point that goes against what he has stated in this short clip is the simple fact that the spread of knowledge and modern education is further eroding the grip of Mullahs and Islamic scholars on people. Modern education and enlightenment have taken people further away from strict rules imposed upon them by almost all religions. The stranglehold that religious groups had in their respective regions is definitely declining. Hence, it would not be incorrect to say that religious theology, strict restrictions placed on how people can behave, and core tenets have failed to withstand the test of time. Hence, it further erodes the argument that religious theology, whether presented by prophet Mohammad or Jesus Christ, has proven a success with a much more educated and liberated population. People even in Muslim countries are declining to adopt the strict rules imposed upon them by the religion. Rarely do the majority of men living in their respective colonies or Mohallahs show up for prayers, and most of the people do their utmost to inflate their profits by deceiving other people, a practice strictly prohibited in Islam.

The only conclusion that one can draw by observing the behavior of the absolute majority populations living in countries that boldly proclaim that our populations are devout followers of one religion or another is the simple fact that religion and religious philosophies put forward by the prophets of Abrahamic religions have failed to withstand the test of time. Modern education and comforts have dramatically reduced the influence of religion on people. Deceit, malfeasance, negligent behavior, socializing with people and circles with whom Islam has placed strict restrictions or completely forbidden such intermixing and associations, and other traits deemed cardinal sins by all Abrahamic religions are rampant amongst Muslims and so-called followers of other religions. Hence, I would not consider prophet Mohammed the most successful person in the history of mankind. Actions speak louder than words, and actions of all of the so-called followers of various Abrahamic religions announce in unequivocal terms that they deem following their respective religions a burden and nothing else. The tacit announcement of a group’s utter lack of interest in a philosophy or activity by declining to participate in it becomes deafeningly loud in Pakistan and other Muslim states. As Islam continues to remain the only religion with the most strict demands, hence noticing the deviation of the larger population becomes spectacularly easy.


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