Since the start of 8th grade in the year 1991, I have had a raging love affair with vehicles specially and machines generally. I passionately wanted to study mechanical engineering, but my spectacularly judicious and phenomenally insightful mathematics educated father decided that this teenager who ardently loves machines would be much better off studying computer science in a computer science awarding university. The outcome was almost written on the wall: from a school-topping kid who topped the school while participating in 5 different extracurricular activities, I became the last name on the graduating list at the computer science university.
Although, since then I have managed to become an expert in at least a couple of different areas of computing matters, however, to get this far, I had to navigate the course entirely myself and without any wise person’s guidance. Hence, the journey remained a rather turbulent one, with a lot of stumbles and bruises along the way. Despite these expertise that I have managed to acquire since the start of 2006, my love affair for automotive design continues to burn brightly. Once, people at TopGear devised a short quiz containing 20 different questions specifically for the petrolheads. In each question, they showed the petrolheads just a fragment of a vehicle’s whole body, for example, half of a headlight, half of a tail light, or even half of the curve of the wheel arch with its various noticeable patters, and asked the self proclaimed petrolhead to identify the vehicle based on that scant an information level. Of the 20 questions presented to the self proclaimed petrolheads, I answered the 19 questions correctly in the first attempt; that’s a success percentage of 95% for a person who had just been busy following the industry despite not been a proper part of the industry. That shows the level of interest I had in the automotive design industry at one point.
That aside, having spent some time at a computer science degree awarding university and become somewhat proficient in the use of the computers, despite not having any real design expertise, I redesigned the whole of the TopGear website in the year 2004 or 2005 using just the Microsoft paint. I was so disappointed with their then current design that I wanted to send them a thorouhgly corroborated suggestion on what they could do to improve the viewing experience for the car lovers, and to do that, I redesigned the whole of the website using just the Microsoft Paint. A tale of a person’s raging love affair with the automotive design industry.
Now, however, I just keep a casual eye on what has been happening in the vehicle design world, and my visits to the automotive websites have largely dropped to almost zero. Nevertheless, I still try to read about the new design trends whenever they appear in the news on BBC or Yahoo.
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